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Monday 27 February 2012

What is the ultimate beauty regime?

We think that much of the skin damage such as lines and wrinkles are due to ageing, but it is not true. Compare your grandmother's face and her tummy skin. The body part where there is the least sun exposure has smooth and soft skin even over 70 or 80 years old. It is considered that around 80-90% of skin ageing is extrinsic, mainly caused by sun exposure (that generates free radicals) and other sources of free radicals such as smoking and lifestyle related. Inadequate nutrients also contribute an increase of free radical activity because of a weakened anti-oxidant defence. Remaining intrinsic reasons are the results of internal waste (free radicals) due to living activities such as breathing or digesting, and a change in cellular activity with an increasing age.

It is now obvious what we should do;
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure and wear sun-protection everyday including winter.
  • Reduce oxidants by cutting down smoking, stress, bad diet.
  • Increase anti-oxidant intake by eating or by cosmetic products topically.
To explain another intrinsic factor is a balance between cell repair & building (anabolism) and cell breakdown (catabolism). When we are younger, the skin cells do more anabolism than catabolism, but in later life, catabolism predominates; leading eventually to ageing and loss of function. Can we reverse this balance in aged skin by increasing anabolism activities? Is that possible? Yes there are solutions... Collagen Stimulation Therapy would encourage the power of anabolism and products like Environ's Vitamin A cream, Colotrum gel & Colostrum capsule helps to support repair function. Thus we need lots of anti-oxidants (both orally & topically) and anabolism support treatments to achieve the most youthful skin you can get. Environ's founder Dr Fernandes often says in the conferences that he is not promoting Environ's treatments and products, but he is providing these to us because they are the most effective methods for a healthy skin.


  • 必要以上に紫外線を浴びない。冬でも毎日日焼け止めを使う。
  • 酸化物質の生成を抑える生活をする。タバコをやめて、ストレスをなるべく溜めず、質の悪い食生活をやめる。
  • 抗酸化物質を多く含む食べ物をたくさん食べ、肌からも抗酸化物質を含む成分が配合されているスキンケアを与える。
もう一つ内側からの要素があります。それは細胞活動の”壊す”(異化作用)と”作る・修復する” (同化作用)のバランスです。若い体は同化作用のほうが盛んに行われていますが、年齢を重ねるにつれて異化作用の割合が増えます。その為、体全体が年をとり肌も加齢肌になっていきます。それでは同化作用活動の割合を増やせば、強力なアンチエージングになるのではという結論に達しますね。そんな事可能なんでしょうか?実はコラーゲン促進トリートメントをすると、”修復する・肌細胞を再生する”という力を最大限に引き出してくれるため、この同化作用が活発化します。また、エンビロンのビタミンA配合クリーム、コロストジェルやコロストカプセルなども同じ効果を発揮します。以上のことから、美肌にはたくさんの抗酸化物質の摂取(食事・サプリ・スキンケアから)と細胞の”作る・修復する”活動を活発にしてあげることが必要だとわかりますね。実はこれ、エンビロンで全て可能なのですが、創立者のフェルナンドス医師がよく医学会議で言っています。エンビロンの宣伝をしに来ているわけではなく、本当に効果のある方法をエンビロンスキンケアを通して紹介しているだけだと。