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Tuesday 7 February 2012

Keep yourself warm with half body bath

It is very cold recenlty and I feel my legs and feets are frozen when I come from outside. If your body is so cold then putting more clothes or raising a temperature of the radiator doesn't really help. The best solution is simply to warm yourself in the bath! Japanese loves having a bath and we do that almost every night, but this is not very common in UK. I suppose a difference in bathroom structure making it more difficult to do that so often in the West. In Japan, a whole family share the bath tub's hot water (more ecomonical) after they wash body outside of the bath tub. Bathroom itself is a one big water resistance room and have a shower head attached outside of bath tub. Anyway, it is still recommended to keep your body warm with a bath, especially half body bath is great. Half body bath is to put the lower half of the body in warm water until the whole body is warm. So not reclining but sit up, so that warm water can cover up to your waist. It will take 20-30 mins before your body really feel warm, probably good to spend time reading a book. There is no temperature monitoring system attached to the bath tub here like Japan, so if the water is getting colder, add a litte hot water to adjust the temperature to a bit more than body temperature like 38-40 degree.

What half body bath do?
  • With the earth's gravity and sedentary lifestyle, our body fluid movement thought to be a bit stagnated in the lower part of the body (although I don't have any scientific evidence). By having the lower part of body in warm water gives a pressure to raise body fluid to upper body.
  • Basal metabolic rate is seen increased thus it could help for weight loss.
  • Pores are opened with a long bath time so that it helps to clean your skin properly.
  • In general, body's metabolism can be improved with water pressure and warm temperature, so that it is beneficial for health and beauty.
Why don't you try once or twice a week having half body bath? It also gives you a private relaxing time as well!