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Thursday 8 March 2012

Food to focus - Chocolate

Chocolate is produced from the beans of the cacao tree, and the best quality is said from the beans of the Criollo variety for its rich aroma and delicacy. The most common variety is Forastero which is nearly 90% of the world's cacao crop. The exact origin of the cacao is disputed but it is clear that Olmec, Mayas and Aztecs all enjoyed the cocoa bean for at least 5,000 years before it made its way to Europe. They treated cocoa beans as a highly valubale crop and as a symbols of life and fertility. Recent years, its health benefit become more well known, and very dark chocolate is now standard product in the supermarket. At the centre of chocolate's health benefits are definitley flavonoids. Chocolate's key flavonoids are proanthocyanidins (or procyanidins), and consist from 12% to 48% of dry weight cocoa bean. So we can say that cocoa powder is endowed with these compounds. One of the key research area is an effect on the cardiovascular disease, by protecting against damage to cholesterol and the lining of the arteries. They also act like a very low dose of aspirin to prevent blood platelets from aggregating, thus making blood less sticky (that can be a cause of heart attack etc).Yes commercial chocolates also contain sugar and fat, but eating small amount of dark chocolate regulary is actually good for you!

Here is some tips to select healthy chocolate:
  • Choose highest cocoa content
  • Avoid a product with hydrogenated fat
  • Avoid a product with refined sugar
  • "Chocolate-flavour" or other artificial chocolate has no health benefit
  • Since the chocolate's beneficial flavonoids have been removed from white chocolate, it is not recommended as a healthy food.

  • ココアの割合が多いものにする
  • Hydrogenated fat (日本語だと不飽和脂肪酸になりますか?)が含まれていないものにする
  • 精製された砂糖が入っているものはやめる
  • チョコレート風味などニセモノチョコレート味のものはやめる
  • ホワイトチョコレートはこのフラボノイドが入っていないので、同じようにヘルシーなものとは捉えられない