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Tuesday 15 November 2011

Shojin Ryori by Mari Fujii

Last week I attended the event presented by Japan Embassy about Shojin Ryori cooking. The teacher was Mari Fujii who is doing Shojin Ryori (vegetarian cooking from Japanese Buddhist temples) classes for more than 20 years in Kamakura, Japan. I know Mari and event organisers Atsuko and Elsa, and attended their events in the past, but this was one of the best ones by them. It was really imformative but very warm talk and occasional funny moment as well. Difference between vegetarian and Shojin Ryori would be many, but something I picked up are:
  • No garlic or onion - Something can be smelly, because it may be a little offensive for other monks. They are living and working together 24 hours.
  • Cooking is also Buddhist practice - When you cook, no matter what condition you are in, think about other people (or you, if you are cookin for one) who are eating your food. Take care and spend a good time to prepare, like cooking for your child with love.
  • Don't forget the funny moment - Mock food (modoki in Japanese) were created to please monks who had a hard working day. Their meals are vegetable base but they may feel like eating meat or fish. Modoki meals are using vegerarian ingredients but making them look alike meat or fish dish. It gives smile in monks' faces.
Well done, Mari, Atsuko and Elsa (and Elsa's mum who came to help from Paris)!! If you are vegetarian already and want to try something new, Shojin Ryori can be a good choice. Mari has a book published in English. You can also learn about it with Atsuko's cookery classes.

  • においの強い野菜、例えばにんにくとかたまねぎは使わない。これは集団生活をしているお坊さんのエチケットだそうです。
  • 調理も修行のうち。お料理をするときは、どんなに疲れていてもいらいらしていても、食べてくれる相手(一人のときは自分)のことを考えて作る。自分の子供に愛情をかけるように。
  • 笑いを忘れない。普段野菜穀物ベースのお坊さんでも、疲れた労働の後には肉や魚が食べたくなるかもしれません。野菜を使って肉・魚料理もどき(見た目が似ている)を作ったら、きっとお坊さんの顔にも笑顔が浮かんでくるでしょう。