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Wednesday 30 November 2011

Food to focus - Beets

The beets are often being sold as beetroots (leaves are removed), but whenever possible, we should appreciate the nutritional contents of beet leaves as well. They have a similar taste to chard but more bitter, and are higher in nutritional value - richer in calcium, iron and vitamin A & C. Beetroots are also good for us though, as an excelent source of folic acid, manganese and potassium. Both beet leaves and beetroots are good source of magnesium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin B6. Because of iron and magnesium contents, both leaves and roots are known to support the blood cell production. All women need this as we lose the blood via menstrual cycles, pregnancy etc. Also in Chinese medicine, rich blood supply is one of the key factors for the fertility (although I am not expert in this!). Moreover there is powerful anti-oxidant called betacyanin, responsible for its dark red-purple colour. This nutrient is thought to boost the liver's detoxidication process thus act as an anti-cancer. Together with beets' high fibre content, it is known to support aginst colon cancer. It is truely a super food isn't it?

Beet leaves are typically prepared by steaming but make sure to cook lightly to retain its nutrients. Alternatively it can replace lettuce in salad, eaten by law (if you like bitter taste). Beetroots' beautiful colour is often lost in cooking, but adding acidic ingredients such as lemon juice or vinegar can preserve some colour. Beet juice is also an easy and delicious way to start as well.



Beetroots have a high sugar content thus deliciously eaten raw, but more typically cooked or pickled.