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Thursday 19 January 2012

Food to focus - Nuts

Nuts are now popular choice for a healthy snack, but I am asked occasionally if nuts' high oil content would increase the weight. There are few epidemiological studies confirmed that nuts are NOT contributing to the rate of obesity. In fact, is was found that people who consumed the most nuts were less obese. This is because eating nuts produce satiety, and we cannnot really over eat nuts! As you know nut oil contain beneficial fat (essential fatty acids), so we don't need to restrain ourselves to choose nuts for our snacks. However check your food lables because flavoured nut products may contain a lot of sugar, salt and other ingredients that we don't want. Also cheap commercial roasted nuts can be produced by deep-frying with saturated fats such as coconut oil or palm kernel oil. Thus it is best to buy raw nuts and roast at home. If you buy unshelled raw nuts, it is best to keep in the fridge if you don't use them for a long time due to its high content of oil (to avoid getting rancid).
Here are few listings why nuts are good for your health  (eventually for your skin too!):
  • Good source of beneficial oil that could prevent heart disease.
  • Good source of dietary fibre that can maintain healthy blood sugar level.
  • Best source of arginine (amino acid involved in wound healing, detox process, immunity, hormone secretion and blood vessel toning).
  • Protein source.

  • 不飽和脂肪酸など体にいい油が含まれており、心臓病の予防にもなります。
  • 食物繊維を豊富に含んでいます。
  • アミノ酸の一種であるアルギニンのとても良い摂取源です。アルギニンは傷を治したり、デトックスを助けたり、免疫系をサポートして、ホルモンの分泌にも関わり、そして血管壁を健康なものにします。
  • たんぱく質も含んでいます。