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Tuesday 19 February 2013

Food to focus - Goji Berry

Goji berry is now a standard item in the health food shop and a cupboard essential for those who cares about their health - but what is so special about it? Majority of goji berry come from China nowadays, but it had been known as an ancient Tibetan berry for the past many years. Goji berries contain 500 times more vitamin C by weight than oranges and are one of the most abundant source of carotenoids. They contain wide variety of amino acids and more iron than spinach - plus loaded with calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and vitamin B & E. As you can imagine, those nutrients exert a high anti-oxidant property too - something like 7 times more powerful than blueberries. Goji Berries have a quite sweet flavour but fortunately their glycemic load is low. It is really a perfect snack option isn't it? One thing to care, but very importantly, is their pesticide residue. Unfortunately many cheap goji berry products sold in UK are non-organic and they are from China where pesticide issue is a quite big issue. I have an informaion from the food industry that when they tested many products commercially available in Europe, the result was quite shocking. Thus I would recommend to buy organic goji berry if possible, or buy health conscious brand's if it is not organic. I am sure such companies monitor pesticide level when they import them.
