Thank you for your support this year, and wishing all the lovely christmas!!
We have news of new facial from the new year - the detail will be followed soon...
From Royka.
Monday, 24 December 2012
Friday, 23 November 2012
New Face & Body Kit from Environ
Environ's Christmas gift set was so popular and it became sold out in the middle of Nov! Sorry for those who missed the opportunity. Instead they have launched the new Face & Body Kit for you to keep moisturising your skin during the winter months. It is also a good Christmas gift option as it is safe for first-time users as well.
The kit contains;
AVST Body Oil (100ml)
AVST Hydrating Lotion (100ml)
AVST Hydrating Exfolient Masque (50ml) - free of charge!
AVST Body Pamper Pack (20ml Hydrating Lotion, 20ml Body Oil) - free fo charge!
RRP £60
Body Oil contains vitamin A, C & E and excellent for skin rejuvenation including reversing already damaged skin. Hydrating Lotion contains AHA and other moisturising agent to help skin surface smoother and firmer. I love this product because it does really make your rough heels & knees softer. Regular pedicure with removing hard skin doesn't really solve the problem because they often grow back, but this does give a solution. Why don't we prepare for the next summer during this winter? The facial masque is very clever and multi-purpose, as it does cleanse the pores and hydrate your skin. It can be used as a normal mask (apply, leave then wash off) or as a leave on mask over night. You can just apply under your regular face cream before going to bed. Next morning when you wash your face, it cleans the skin really well. Pamper Pack is the perfect holiday kit for these small sizes.
Send us your order before the stock finish!
AVST Body Oil (100ml)
AVST Hydrating Lotion (100ml)
AVST Hydrating Exfolient Masque (50ml) - 無料!
AVST Body Pamper Pack (20ml Hydrating Lotion, 20ml Body Oil) - 無料!
価格 £60
Body Oil はビタミンA、C、Eを含んでいてお肌を若々しくしてくれたり、既にダメージを受けた肌も再生してくれます。Hydrating LotionはAHAや保湿成分を含んでいて、お肌を滑らかにしてハリを出してくれます。これは私のお気に入りでもあって、膝やかかとなどの硬くなったお肌をつるつるにしてくれます。定期的にペディキュアをやっても頑固はかかとのハードスキンは戻ってきますよね。Hydrating Lotionは本当に結果の出るものなので、是非お試しを。冬の間の来夏の準備をするという手もありますね。Hydrating Exfolient Masqueは優秀なマスクで保湿もするし毛穴の汚れも同時にとってくれます。普通のマスクのように15分後に洗い流すのでもいいですし、リーブオンマスクとして一晩おくと、次の朝顔を洗った時に汚れもすっきりします。普段のクリームの下に塗ってください。Pamper Packは小さいサイズなので旅行用に最適ですね。
The kit contains;
AVST Body Oil (100ml)
AVST Hydrating Lotion (100ml)
AVST Hydrating Exfolient Masque (50ml) - free of charge!
AVST Body Pamper Pack (20ml Hydrating Lotion, 20ml Body Oil) - free fo charge!
RRP £60
Body Oil contains vitamin A, C & E and excellent for skin rejuvenation including reversing already damaged skin. Hydrating Lotion contains AHA and other moisturising agent to help skin surface smoother and firmer. I love this product because it does really make your rough heels & knees softer. Regular pedicure with removing hard skin doesn't really solve the problem because they often grow back, but this does give a solution. Why don't we prepare for the next summer during this winter? The facial masque is very clever and multi-purpose, as it does cleanse the pores and hydrate your skin. It can be used as a normal mask (apply, leave then wash off) or as a leave on mask over night. You can just apply under your regular face cream before going to bed. Next morning when you wash your face, it cleans the skin really well. Pamper Pack is the perfect holiday kit for these small sizes.
Send us your order before the stock finish!
AVST Body Oil (100ml)
AVST Hydrating Lotion (100ml)
AVST Hydrating Exfolient Masque (50ml) - 無料!
AVST Body Pamper Pack (20ml Hydrating Lotion, 20ml Body Oil) - 無料!
価格 £60
Body Oil はビタミンA、C、Eを含んでいてお肌を若々しくしてくれたり、既にダメージを受けた肌も再生してくれます。Hydrating LotionはAHAや保湿成分を含んでいて、お肌を滑らかにしてハリを出してくれます。これは私のお気に入りでもあって、膝やかかとなどの硬くなったお肌をつるつるにしてくれます。定期的にペディキュアをやっても頑固はかかとのハードスキンは戻ってきますよね。Hydrating Lotionは本当に結果の出るものなので、是非お試しを。冬の間の来夏の準備をするという手もありますね。Hydrating Exfolient Masqueは優秀なマスクで保湿もするし毛穴の汚れも同時にとってくれます。普通のマスクのように15分後に洗い流すのでもいいですし、リーブオンマスクとして一晩おくと、次の朝顔を洗った時に汚れもすっきりします。普段のクリームの下に塗ってください。Pamper Packは小さいサイズなので旅行用に最適ですね。
Environ Skin Care
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Pregnancy stretch mark & Vitamin A
When you enter 12th week of pregnancy, you would start worrying about getting stretch mark. The areas we need to look after are tummy, breast, lower back, outer & inner sides of thigh - don't forget your latter two areas. For those who got stretch mark, more than 75% answered that they got it after 28 weeks of pregnancy but the earliest was 19 weeks! I would recommend to use vitamin A contained body product soon after 12 weeks of pregnancy so that accumulated vitamin A in the skin tissues can give extra prevention rather than start using it later. Before 12 weeks, hydration is still important so use any basic body cream or oil.
The common question being asked is whether it is safe to use topical vitamin A during pregnancy, as oral intake of vitamin A is restricted to avoid unhealthy foetus development. The answer is "safe" with a number of reasons according to Dr Fernandes (Environ's founder)
I say after 12 weeks, not because of the risk of the side effect, but rather making sure to pass first trimester without any extra anxiety (although topical Vitamin A is safe). Therefore if you feel confident then it is ok to use the body product. As you know it already, Vitamin A is one of the most powerful skin nutrients to support skin cell's integrity and prevent any skin tissue damage including stretch mark. If you worry about retinol because a fraction could pass placental membrane, then avoid Environ Retinol 1, 2 & 3 which are additional vitamin A products once you reached to the highest level such as AVST-5 facial cream.
Enjoy your time of this occasion and happy beautiful skin!
The common question being asked is whether it is safe to use topical vitamin A during pregnancy, as oral intake of vitamin A is restricted to avoid unhealthy foetus development. The answer is "safe" with a number of reasons according to Dr Fernandes (Environ's founder)
- The research showed that vitamin A can be delivered from blood to skin, but hardly at all from the skin to blood. There is osmotic gradient as a matter of fact. Thus topical application of Vitamin A hardly goes into the blood stream.
- Environ AVST Body Cream, Body Oil and Enhanced Body Oil use retinyl palmitate and retinyl acetate, which cannot cross the placental membrane while retinol and retinoic acid can (although it is only fraction and not considered as harmful).
I say after 12 weeks, not because of the risk of the side effect, but rather making sure to pass first trimester without any extra anxiety (although topical Vitamin A is safe). Therefore if you feel confident then it is ok to use the body product. As you know it already, Vitamin A is one of the most powerful skin nutrients to support skin cell's integrity and prevent any skin tissue damage including stretch mark. If you worry about retinol because a fraction could pass placental membrane, then avoid Environ Retinol 1, 2 & 3 which are additional vitamin A products once you reached to the highest level such as AVST-5 facial cream.
Enjoy your time of this occasion and happy beautiful skin!
- ビタミンAは血液から肌には移動するが、その逆の肌から血中に行くことはない。なので、肌から与えたビタミンAが血流にいくことは殆どない。
- エンビロンのAVST Body Cream、Body Oil、Enhanced Body Oilはretinyl palmitateとretinyl acetateを配合していて、これらは胎盤を通り越せない。僅かながらretinolやretinoic acidは通過できる。
12週以降と言ったのは、プロダクトを使うと安全ではないという意味ではなく、不安定な初期の時期に不必要に心配要因を増やさないほうがいいのではといった配慮です。ご自分で大丈夫と思うならば、使っても構いません。ご存知の通り、ビタミンAは肌を強くしてくれ、また肌細胞がダメージを受けるのを最小限にしてくれます。従ってダメージであるストレッチマークも強力に予防してくれます。もし僅かながらでも胎盤を通過してしまうretinol を避けたいのいうのならば、エンビロンRetinol 1, 2 & 3の使用は避けてください。これらは主にフェイシャル用ですが、一番上のレベル(AVST-5 など)に到達している人が更にビタミンAを使いたい場合に使用します。
Environ Skin Care
Friday, 26 October 2012
Christmas Gift Set & Royka Gift Voucher
There is only 2 months and a bit left for this year,,,well a time goes so fast! If you started looking for a gift option, here are some ideas for you.
Environ Christmas Gift Set
Environ Christmas Gift Set
This year's Environ Gift Set has everything we need and it saves £55.95 in total! Let's share our love of Environ products with your friends and family, and also good saving for yourself too. Order is started being taken, so hurry up to contact us ( before the stock runs out. Postal service can be arranged too, but please enquire to above contact.
Prices: A set with either AVST-1, 2, 3 (£137.95) & with either AVST-4, 5 (£143.90).
The contents are;
AVST Cream (1-5 levels can be chosen) (50ml)
AVST Moisturising Toner (200ml)
AVST Cleansing Lotion (200ml)
C-Quence Eye Gel (10ml)
C-Boost (25ml)
Hydrating Oil Capsules (10 caps)
Colostrum Gel (5ml)
Except Hydrating Oil Capsules and Colostrum Gel, products are all in full size.
Royka Gift Voucher
We always have a gift voucher available but are adding extra 'thank you' to you when you purchase the GV. When you purchase one of the following GV, you get 10% off of your next salon treatment as well. Offer starts from now but will continue as a standard offer. We hope you to get a benefit too!
Gift Voucher suggestions;
Royka Therapeutic Body Massage (30 mins) £30
Royka Therapeutic body Massage (1 hour) £55
Royka Deep Cleanse Facial (1 hour) £58
Environ Advanced Vitamin Treatment Facial (1 hour) £58
Ultimate Relaxation package - back massage & any 1 hour facial - (1 hour 30 mins) £85
Have a lovely rest of 2012!
エンビロン クリスマスギフトセット
今年のギフトセットは基礎化粧品から美容液まで全て揃っているもので、合計すると個別にご購入するよりも£55.95 もお得となります。既にエンビロンファンの方は、お友達やご家族に勧めるいいチャンスですし、ご自分用としてもお得なセットになります。
AVST Cream (1-5 レベルはお選びできます) (50ml)
AVST Moisturising Toner (200ml)
AVST Cleansing Lotion (200ml)
C-Quence Eye Gel (10ml)
C-Boost (25ml)
Hydrating Oil Capsules (10 caps)
Colostrum Gel (5ml)
Royka トリートメントギフトバウチャー
Royka ホリスティックマッサージ 30分 (£30)
Royka ホリスティックマッサージ 1時間 (£55)
Royka ディープクレンジングフェイシャル 1時間 (£58)
エンビロン ビタミン導入フェイシャル 1時間 (£58)
トータルリラクゼーション コース -30分マッサージ&1時間各フェイシャル-1時間30分 (£85)
Environ Skin Care
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Food to focus - Salmon Farmed or Wild?
The flesh of oily fish especially salmon contains DMAE, a powerful anti-oxidant. Other sources are sardines, squids and anchovies. DMEA is commonly known as industrial chemicals or used in pharmaceutical drugs to treat central nervous system and brain functions, but it is also known to be beneficial for our skin to stimulate nerve function and muscle tone. Thus it can be said that eating DMAE rich foods could contribute firmer and less wrinkled skin. Renowned Dr. Perricone includes DMAE rich foods for his wrinkle-free diet regime, and he lists following check-points to choose the salmons.
When we are choosing the salmons, we need to watch out few things;
When we are choosing the salmons, we need to watch out few things;
- Unusually pink colour is achieved by chemical additives.
- "Atlantic" salmon is synonymous with farmed salmon, except it is from Alaska.
- Most fresh wild salmons are harvested during spring, summer and autumn only, thus during the winter we see only frozen, smoked or canned version of wild salmon.
- If you see white lines of fat running through the flesh, it is almost surely farmed. Wild salmon is much leaner and it display little or no visible fat.
Of course it is not always available to buy wild salmon but if you do, watch out above checking points. If you buy farmed salmon, at least we don't choose very pink ones... What makes wild salmon superior is its amount of omega-3, which is higher than farmed salmon.
脂ののっている魚の中でも特に鮭はDMAEを含んでいると言われています。DMAEはとてもパワフルな抗酸化作用を持っています。他のDMAEの摂取源はイワシやイカ、アンチョビなどです。DMAEは食品というよりも工業製品に使用されたり、神経系や脳の機能を向上させる医薬品に使われていることのほうが有名かもしれません。しかし、お肌への影響としても神経細胞を刺激して筋肉のはりを良くしてくれ、たるみやしわ対策に効果的と言われています。特に有名なDr. Perriconeはその著書の中でリンクルフリーの食事方法にこのDMAEを多く含んでいる食事を取り入れています。彼の本の中で、鮭を購入する際に気をつけた方がいい点がいくつかあり、とても役に立ちそうな情報なので、ここで紹介します。
- 鮮やかなピンク色は着色料によってついたものである。色あせているほうが良い。
- アトランティック(大西洋産)とあるものは聞こえはいいが、ほとんどが養殖である。しかしアラスカ産とある場合はワイルドである場合も多々ある。
- 新鮮なワイルドサーモンは冬以外に摂れるので、冬期はフレッシュなワイルドサーモンは出回らない。
- 白い脂肪の線が赤みの部分に渡って見えるものは確実に養殖である。ワイルドサーモンは筋肉質なので白い脂肪の線がほとんど見えない。
Wednesday, 3 October 2012
Food to focus - Brazil Nuts
I think Brazil nuts are one of the best choices for your healthy snack. In addition to health benefits that all the nuts have - such as protein and EFAs (essential fatty acid) contents - its selenium content is much higher. It can be said that Brazil nuts are the most reliable food souce of selenium. Foods' selenium content is determined by the soil condition and the area Brazil nuts are typically harvested have much higher content than average soil. Selenium is an important member of anti-oxidant nutrients, especially working together with vitamin E. As you know anti-oxidant is a key to resolve all the health and skin issue, and essential for future cancer preventions. So, this tasty nuts should be in your bag all the time! Other notable mineral found is chromium that can control your blood sugar level. Good for preventing sugar craving.
Brazil nuts are the seeds of a giant evergreen tree (Bertholletia) that grows wild in the forest of the Amazon in Brazil, Bolivia and Peru. Trees' life can be very long like 500-800 years, and they are actually used to produce our Brazil nuts. It is amazing to realise this isn't it?
Brazil nuts are the seeds of a giant evergreen tree (Bertholletia) that grows wild in the forest of the Amazon in Brazil, Bolivia and Peru. Trees' life can be very long like 500-800 years, and they are actually used to produce our Brazil nuts. It is amazing to realise this isn't it?
Wednesday, 5 September 2012
New Approach to Peeling
Environ lauched the new home peel kit, LACM Home Peel Kit (RRP £79.95). Peeling is a powerful tool if used correctly, and this product addresses for following:
LACM Home Peel Kit (RRP £79.95)の効果は下記に期待できます:
- Maintains the results of the in-salon treatment
- Addresses rosacea, problem skin and photo damage*
- Protects the epidermis*
- Gentle yet poweful formulation
- Promotes the release of growth factors*
- Aids in the production of collagen for smooth skin
LACM Home Peel Kit (RRP £79.95)の効果は下記に期待できます:
- サロンフェイシャルの効果を持続させる
- 紅斑性座蒼(アクネ)、トラブル肌全般、日焼け後の肌ダメージを向上させる*
- 表皮を保護する*
- 肌には優しい配合だが、効果を約束する配合
- 成長ファクターの分泌を助長*
- コラーゲン生成を助け、滑らかな肌にする
Environ Skin Care
Thursday, 12 July 2012
New Body Roller
Additional to the facial Cit-Roll, Environ has just launched the Body Cit-Roll (RRP £139). Facial Cit-Roll increases a penetration of active ingredients of beauty products by 4 times more, with creating tiny channels by rolling 0.1mm needles on skin surface. This Body Cit-Roll has 0.2mm needles, because body skin is much thicker than facial skin. Using Roll-Cit gives a maximum effect of home care, and also recommended for people who have no access to Environ's vitamin penetration facial. Our skin has slightly alkaline pH which is necessary for the protection, but that could reduce the degree of penetration into dermis. This new addition would be good news to tackle tummy stretch mark and sun-damaged decollete area!
フェイス用のマイクロニードル (Cit-Roll) に加えてボディー用も新発売となりました (RRP £139)。マイクロニードルを使用することでクリームの有効成分をより効果的に真皮へ届けることができるのですが、これは普通に肌に塗るよりも4倍効果的に浸透させていることになります。フェイス用は0.1mmでしたが、肌の厚いボディー用は0.2mmとなっています。ホームケアで最大効果を出す為に、またビタミン導入フェイシャルを受ける機会のない方へ、お勧めです。お肌はもともと弱アルカリ性で、これは肌を外部の刺激から守ってくれていますが、有効成分の浸透も妨げているのが事実です。ボディー用のローラーを使うことで、出産後のストレッチマークや日焼けしてダメージを受けた胸元などをトリートメントするのにいいでしょう。
フェイス用のマイクロニードル (Cit-Roll) に加えてボディー用も新発売となりました (RRP £139)。マイクロニードルを使用することでクリームの有効成分をより効果的に真皮へ届けることができるのですが、これは普通に肌に塗るよりも4倍効果的に浸透させていることになります。フェイス用は0.1mmでしたが、肌の厚いボディー用は0.2mmとなっています。ホームケアで最大効果を出す為に、またビタミン導入フェイシャルを受ける機会のない方へ、お勧めです。お肌はもともと弱アルカリ性で、これは肌を外部の刺激から守ってくれていますが、有効成分の浸透も妨げているのが事実です。ボディー用のローラーを使うことで、出産後のストレッチマークや日焼けしてダメージを受けた胸元などをトリートメントするのにいいでしょう。
Environ Skin Care
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
Collagen Stimulation Therapy (CST) and break out
I had a few occasions of post break-out after collagen stimulation therapy (CST) with some clients. I wouldn't say they have active acne skin, but have occasional spots around the period cycle. However after CST, the spots they got about a week later were bigger than usual. Why is that? With the training, we were told to be careful with active acne people because it would temporarily stimulate the sebaceous gland's activity, but these were really not the same case... With my question to Dr Fernandes at the conference in London few months ago, it is now solved that mild peeling prior to the CST treatment would prevent the aggrabation of post break-out. I have done this procedure on some clients, and now I am confident to say it worked! Environ is also planning to launch the new CST procedure, special peeling immediately after the CST, but until it is available to us, we can try doing peeling before needling the skin.
Environ Skin Care
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Food to focus - Alfalfa
Alfafa is a already famous healthy ingredient, but do you know why? They have been grown as forage for livestock for many centuries but recent years the popularity grown, and now it is possible to buy at supermarkets too. First of all, it is low calories (one cup has only 10 calories!) but notable health benefits must come from its phytoestrogen and saponin contents. Phytoestrogens are thought to balance oestrogen level, normalise cell growth, suppress cancerous activity, reduce inflammation and provide anti-oxidant activity - to list a few, while saponins are known to boost immune function.
It is definitley confirmed that alfalfa is one of the top lists in the shopping! Its anti-oxidant activity was also tested and being found that it is only surpassed by kale and Brussels sprouts (candidate were many of dark colour vegetables).
One thing to note is that alfalfa have been linked to ourbreaks of foodbourne illness such as Salmonella and E.coli. The reason for this was the raw material of seeds were contaminated by animals in the field. Alfafa sold as food products should be monitored carefully so I don't worry too much but if you buy seeds to grow your own, please check if the company has a good reputation or not.
It is definitley confirmed that alfalfa is one of the top lists in the shopping! Its anti-oxidant activity was also tested and being found that it is only surpassed by kale and Brussels sprouts (candidate were many of dark colour vegetables).
One thing to note is that alfalfa have been linked to ourbreaks of foodbourne illness such as Salmonella and E.coli. The reason for this was the raw material of seeds were contaminated by animals in the field. Alfafa sold as food products should be monitored carefully so I don't worry too much but if you buy seeds to grow your own, please check if the company has a good reputation or not.
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
C-Quence Eye Gel review on the Stylist magazine
Environ's powerful eye product C-Quence Eye Gel has been picked by the Stylist magazine's deputy beauty editor Samantha, as a part of an ultimate beauty regime! Here is the link.

Ionzyme C-Quence Eye Gel-Cream, £44, Environ
Amount to use: Grain of rice (per eye)
Application: The skin around the eye is one tenth of the density of the skin on the face, so an eye product has to be much lighter than a moisturiser. This formula drip-feeds a blend of wrinkle-fighting pentapeptides and health-boosting vitamins. Use your ring finger to pat it around the orbital bone (eye socket) but avoid puffiness by steering clear of the tear duct.
Step 4
Eye Cream
Ionzyme C-Quence Eye Gel-Cream, £44, Environ
Amount to use: Grain of rice (per eye)
Application: The skin around the eye is one tenth of the density of the skin on the face, so an eye product has to be much lighter than a moisturiser. This formula drip-feeds a blend of wrinkle-fighting pentapeptides and health-boosting vitamins. Use your ring finger to pat it around the orbital bone (eye socket) but avoid puffiness by steering clear of the tear duct.
Environ Skin Care
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Beta Carotene for your skin health!
Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for skin cell turnover, healing damaged tissues and resistance to the UV rays. We can supplement it through skin care cream, but oral intake would also be helpful. Unfortunately the skin is not a priority area to recieve the nutrient from the ingested foods, but everyday support will definitely benefit your skin health too. Enviorn is also launching the potent Vitamin A supplement soon as well. If you want to introduce more vitamin A in your daily diet, why don't you try considering to up intake of beta-carotene? It is a precursor of vitamin A, thus we don't need to worry about the amount we are eating as much as fat soluble vitamin A.
Excellent source of beta- carotene are;
Excellent source of beta- carotene are;
- Dark orange and green leafy vegetables
- Sweet potatoes
- Carrots
- Dried Apricot (but buy organic, as there may be lots of pesticide!)
- Collard greens
- Kale
- Spinach
- Pumpkin
- Pink grapefruit
- Mangoes
- Green lettuce
- Broccoli
- 緑黄色の葉野菜
- さつまいも
- にんじん
- ドライアプリコット(但し農薬が気になるので、有機のもの)
- コラードグリーン
- ケール
- ほうれん草
- かぼちゃ
- ピンクグレープフルーツ
- マンゴ
- グリーンレタス
- ブロッコリー
Thursday, 7 June 2012
New Travel Kit from Environ
Well, I just wrote about the summer arrival in UK only last week, but it didn't seem to last. So now then, we need a holiday to escape! Environ just launched the Travel Kit to cover the basic essentails. This is especially great if you haven't tried Environ's body range, as vitamin-A rich Body Oil to protect & heal from UV damage and Hydrating Lotion to moisturise and make your skin surface nice and smooth. These two combination is the must item in the summer - to minimise your sun damage minimum and make your hard heel skin soft and smooth. Wearing sandals make heel skin hardened, and no matter what we do with pedicure, it comes back without a proper care.
The Travel Kit includes (£18.95) :
つい先週に夏の到来を感じたのに、もうすっかり雨模様ですね。この際、もうイギリスを飛び出してホリデーに出かけるほかはないかもです。そこで、エンビロンが今月トラベルセットを新発売のニュースです。日焼けする肌を予測して基本商品が揃っています。特にこれまでボディー製品を使ったことない方には試してみるいい機会でしょう。ビタミンAがたっぷり入っているBody Oilは紫外線から肌を守り、また肌のダメージを修復し、Hydrating Lotionは日焼け後の乾燥肌に潤いを与えて肌表面をつるつるにしてくれます。この二つのコンビネーションは夏の肌にはかかせないものです。サンダルを履くとかかとが硬くなっていきますが、ペディキュアだけでは回復しません。きちんとしたスキンケアをすると、特にHydrating Lotionで肌が柔らかくなってつるつるになっていきます。
トラベルセットには下記が入っています(£18.95 ):
The Travel Kit includes (£18.95) :
- AVST Cleansing Lotion 20ml (for face)
- AVST Hydrating Toner 20ml (for face)
- AVST Body Oil 20ml (for body)
- AVST Hydrating Lotion 20ml (for body)
つい先週に夏の到来を感じたのに、もうすっかり雨模様ですね。この際、もうイギリスを飛び出してホリデーに出かけるほかはないかもです。そこで、エンビロンが今月トラベルセットを新発売のニュースです。日焼けする肌を予測して基本商品が揃っています。特にこれまでボディー製品を使ったことない方には試してみるいい機会でしょう。ビタミンAがたっぷり入っているBody Oilは紫外線から肌を守り、また肌のダメージを修復し、Hydrating Lotionは日焼け後の乾燥肌に潤いを与えて肌表面をつるつるにしてくれます。この二つのコンビネーションは夏の肌にはかかせないものです。サンダルを履くとかかとが硬くなっていきますが、ペディキュアだけでは回復しません。きちんとしたスキンケアをすると、特にHydrating Lotionで肌が柔らかくなってつるつるになっていきます。
トラベルセットには下記が入っています(£18.95 ):
- AVST Cleansing Lotion 20ml (フェイス用)
- AVST Hydrating Toner 20ml (フェイス用)
- AVST Body Oil 20ml (ボディー用)
- AVST Hydrating Lotion 20ml (ボディー用)
Environ Skin Care
Tuesday, 29 May 2012
Natural Sun Block - vitamins
Sun is getting stronger these days (but I don't complain about the nice weather!). Are you properly protecting your skin from UV rays? Most of cosmetic brands' sun block have UV-A and UV-B protection nowadays, which is the basic essential. However there is also additional protection you can add with a very safe way - which is topical vitamins. Vitamin A and C are quite powerful sun block, and Environ's AVST-4 and AVST-5 creams exert about the same protection as SPF 20. Also those vitamins can block UV-A as well. As you know, SPF figures are only indicated for UV-B. SPF sun filtes have to be a chemical additives and you may experienced high SPF (such as SPF 40) caused you a skin irritation - which is only normal. If it is possible to reduce SPF score by adding safe topical vitamin cream, it is the best solution for your skin health! Luckily darker skin type have naturally high sun protection - such as SPF 14 for Black African skin and SPF 6 for Asian skin.
最近イギリスでもようやく日差しが強くなってきましたが、日焼け対策は万全ですか。どこのコスメティックブランドからも日焼け止めクリームと言えばUV-A, UV-B予防というのが定番ですが、更に紫外線カットをする方法をご存知ですか。お肌に与えるビタミンAとCは、結構強力な紫外線カットの力があります。緑黄色野菜を思い浮かべてください。土の上で太陽をたくさん浴びている色の濃い野菜たちは皮にビタミンをたくさん蓄えることで紫外線から身を守っています。エンビロンのビタミン配合クリーム、特に配合分量の多いAVST-4やAVST-5のレベルになると、それだけでSPF20くらいの威力があります。うれしいことにこれらのビタミンはUV-AとUV-B両方をブロックすることが出来ます。皆さんご存知のようにSPFとはUV-Bをカットする力のみを示すものですが、SPFは肌に負担のある化学物質になりかねません。なので、SPF40など高いプロテクションのクリームで肌がかぶれたと言う人も多々いますよね。もしビタミンAとCを肌に与えることでSPFの数値を無理やり上げなくても肌へのUVプロテクション力をアップ出来るならば、とてもいいニュースだと思いませんか。色素の濃い肌、例えば黒人の肌にはもともとSPF14の防御力があり、インド人の肌はSPF6あるそうです。だから滑らかはお肌の人が多いですよね。
最近イギリスでもようやく日差しが強くなってきましたが、日焼け対策は万全ですか。どこのコスメティックブランドからも日焼け止めクリームと言えばUV-A, UV-B予防というのが定番ですが、更に紫外線カットをする方法をご存知ですか。お肌に与えるビタミンAとCは、結構強力な紫外線カットの力があります。緑黄色野菜を思い浮かべてください。土の上で太陽をたくさん浴びている色の濃い野菜たちは皮にビタミンをたくさん蓄えることで紫外線から身を守っています。エンビロンのビタミン配合クリーム、特に配合分量の多いAVST-4やAVST-5のレベルになると、それだけでSPF20くらいの威力があります。うれしいことにこれらのビタミンはUV-AとUV-B両方をブロックすることが出来ます。皆さんご存知のようにSPFとはUV-Bをカットする力のみを示すものですが、SPFは肌に負担のある化学物質になりかねません。なので、SPF40など高いプロテクションのクリームで肌がかぶれたと言う人も多々いますよね。もしビタミンAとCを肌に与えることでSPFの数値を無理やり上げなくても肌へのUVプロテクション力をアップ出来るならば、とてもいいニュースだと思いませんか。色素の濃い肌、例えば黒人の肌にはもともとSPF14の防御力があり、インド人の肌はSPF6あるそうです。だから滑らかはお肌の人が多いですよね。
Environ Skin Care
Friday, 11 May 2012
Why green tea is good for you?
Both green and black tea are derived from the same plant, Camellia sinensis. Timing of leave picking and process after the harvest make same tea leaves into different kinds of tea. To produce black tea, the leaves are allowed to oxidise. During oxidation, enzymes in the tea leaves convert polyphenols into substances with much less biological activity. In contrast, green tea retains its polyphenol intact because its process of steaming prevents the enzymes from converting polyphenols - thus no oxidation at all. Blue tea such as oolong tea is partially oxidised, so it is understood as between green and black. White tea is still green tea but the leaves are very young and buds are unopened. It uses steaming process, but it tastes sweeter than green tea and is very low in caffeine.
To choose tea for a health reason, green tea is the best due to significantly high contents of free polyphenols. Those polyphenols are anti-oxidants and numerous research showed that it is cancer preventative. Green tea is also a great source of vitamin K, an important nutrient for bone health. We should, however, need to monitor the amount of green tea consumption if you are on the blood thinning medication such as Wafarin. It may reduce the effectiveness of the drugs.
Ok so if green tea is good for you, then can we drink a lot? You can, probably more than black tea, but we also need to aware about the caffeine content of green tea. Below is the example of caffeine contents of teas;
Espresso (60ml) 60-90mg
Drip coffee (170ml) 60-180mg
Black tea (170ml) 25-100mg
Oolong tea (170ml) 12-55mg
Green tea (170ml) 8-16mg
Remember not to use boiling water for green tea brew, it will give a bitter taste. Exact temperature would be different depending on the type of green tea in strictly speaking, but easy way is to leave 1-2 minute after boiling. Also infuse only a short time and enjoy your cup of tea!
エスプレッソ(60ml) 60−90mg
ドリップコーヒー(170ml) 60−180mg
紅茶(170ml) 25−100mg
ウーロン茶(170ml) 12−55mg
緑茶(170ml) 8−16mg
エスプレッソ(60ml) 60−90mg
ドリップコーヒー(170ml) 60−180mg
紅茶(170ml) 25−100mg
ウーロン茶(170ml) 12−55mg
緑茶(170ml) 8−16mg
Friday, 4 May 2012
Collagen Stimulation Therapy - Before & After
Environ provided before & after photo of Collagen Stimulation Therapy. You can see them here. The result on the upper arm of 65 years old is especially amazaing, but this teaches us that follow up home care with vitamin A, C and cosmetic roll cit enahnced the improvement. Collagen Stimulation Therapy encourages skin's own collagen production, and to make the result maximised we need vitamin A to support growth factor activitiy and vitamin C to assist collagen production. Environ's ingredients are there for the reason...
Environ Skin Care
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Environ Ionzyme DF machine
Environ's facial uses Ionzyme DF machine to enhance maximised penetration of active ingredients into the dermis. The device is a patent-pending machine designed by Dr Fernandes, but what is so special? As you may know but galvanic or ultra-sound salon treatments are common methods, but Dr Fernandes had developed much superior machine than conventionally available beauty equipments, back in 1999.
Ionzyme DF machine's features;
Ionzyme DF machine's features;
- Sonophoresis (ultra-sound): Most commonly available machine use 1MHz but research had shown that better penetration of skin occurs best at lower sound frequencies. This devise uses 1MHz to 3MHz. Compare between generally used ultra-sound and sonophoresis, its efficiency of penetration is 200% better and 400% better than topical application respectively.
- Iontophoresis (electric current): There is flexible setting either continuous current of intermittent current, to adjust the needs.
The main feature is actually the combination of both sonophoresis and iontophoresis, which is not seen in the other similar type of machine. Our skin has a natural barrier that can prevent skin cream's active ingredients to be delivered to the deeper layer, but the benefit of having a facial is that Ionzyme DF machine can enhance penetration to 4,000 times better with sohophoresis and 400 times better with iontophoresis than topical applications. A combination of those even enhance each other's efficiency, so that the facial become very powerful. Phew!
エンビロンフェイシャルでは独自のIonzyme DF machineを使いますが、この機械は美容界の中でも特別な存在です。フェルナンデス医師が開発し、1999年にお目見えしました。サロントリートメントでは電流や超音波を使ったものをよくみますが、このIonzyme DF machineとは何が違うのでしょうか。
- 低周波の超音波:従来の超音波の機械は1MHzを採用していますが、ある科学者のリサーチのよってもっと低周波の超音波のほうがお肌深部へ浸透させる力に優れていることがわかりました。そこで、Ionzyme DF machineでは1MHzから3MHzのものを使っています。何と、1MHzの従来の機械が普通に肌に塗るよりも200倍効果的に肌へ浸透させる力があるのに対して、Ionzyme DF machineは4000倍効果的です。
- 電流:断続的または継続的な電流に設定出来、ニーズに細かく対応できるようになっています。
何と言っても大きな特徴は、低周波超音波と電流の二つが同時に使用できるということでしょう。それによってお互いの効果がさらに助長されます。お肌にはバリア機能があり、普通に肌にクリームを塗った場合深部まできちんと届くのは実はほんの一部です。しかし、フェイシャルでIonzyme DF machineによって肌深部まで効果的に浸透させることによって、普通に肌に塗るよりも超音波では4000倍、また電流では400倍効果的に届けることができます。嘘みたいな数字ですが、これが科学者の研究結果なのです。
Environ Skin Care
Friday, 27 April 2012
Collagen Stimulation Therapy - testimonial
It is about 2 months since I introduced Collagen Stimulation Therapy (CST) in my practice, and I am beginning to receive positive feedbacks recently. It is too early to see the improvement as a stimulation of collagen production continues up to 2 months after the CST treatment, and even better result observed after 6 months or a year or so. However my clients are already sharing some good news with me!
Y.P from London (2 x CST treatments)
"My skin got definitley much brighter and open pores became smaller."
A.C from London (1 x CST treatment)
"About 2 weeks after my CST treatment, I noticed that my eyebrows and jaw lines look lifted. It is amazing I saw this even after one treatment. I can't wait to have more treatment done!"
YP ロンドン在住(2回施術)
AC ロンドン (1回施術)
Thank you for your reports!
Y.P from London (2 x CST treatments)
"My skin got definitley much brighter and open pores became smaller."
A.C from London (1 x CST treatment)
"About 2 weeks after my CST treatment, I noticed that my eyebrows and jaw lines look lifted. It is amazing I saw this even after one treatment. I can't wait to have more treatment done!"
YP ロンドン在住(2回施術)
AC ロンドン (1回施術)
Thank you for your reports!
Environ Skin Care
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Dr Fernandes was in town!
There was annual UK conference by Dr Fernandes last weekend, and again it was really informative and inspirational talk by him. He is a founder of Environ Skin Care but actually renowned plastic surgeon as well. He is nominated as one of the top 10 plastic surgeons in the world chosen by insignia - see here. There were 1.5 days of Q & A session with him, and of course audience bombarded him with lots of burning questions! I will share some informaiton with you on this blog soon...
Friday, 13 April 2012
New size RAD sun screen
It is great news that Environ has upgraded our favourite RAD from size 75ml to 100ml. It can be used for both face and body, and especially we need a lot of them for our summer holiday! If you order this month, you will get a complementary C-Boost (10ml) with RAD 100ml.
Environ Skin Care
Monday, 9 April 2012
Why alcohol is not good for your skin
There is a scientific evidence that a small amount of alcohol can confer the heart health (this more true to men than women though), but how about the effect on the skin? We all know that alcohol dehydrate the skin, thus drinking a large amount of water is a common next day remedy. Yes it is a good move but is the dehydration only after-effect of drinking? Alcohol creates inflammation throughout the body including our skin, and alters (increases) the blood flow to the skin cells. These physiological changes lead to dullness, enlarged pores, discolouration, a red & blotchy complexion, puffiness and lack of resilience. Inflammation can cause the damage to skin cells in general and alcohol induced blood flow increase could damage the capillary walls - actually far outlast dehydration...
Health and Skin Health
Wednesday, 4 April 2012
White rice and diabetes risk
Recently a study published in the British Medical Journal said that a regular intake of white rice could increase the risk of diabetes by 11%. I remember when my grandmother was diagnosed as diabetes, the first thing she was adviced from her doctor was to monitor her rice intake. She was weighing rice at each meal. As you can imagine, older generation of Japanese almost eat rice with every meal, so this was essential regime for her. It is no surprise that high GL (glyceamic load) foods could lead to a higher blood sugar level thus raise insulin level, both associated with diabetes risk.
On the other hand, brown rice carry less risk because of high dietary fibre content. GL for brown rice is about 16 (cooked, 150g), compared to 26 of white rice (cooked, 150g) (this may vary according to the source). As you know, fibre slows down the digestion & sugar release in the blood stream, thus eating brown rice does not affect blood sugar level and insulin level - as much as white rice. A bagel's GL is 25, one slice of white bread's GL is 10.5 and rice krispies cereals' (30g) GL is 22. You can see that white rice has not low GL! Brown rice is a healthier choice, also because of its nutrient contents. It has vitamin B groups, protein, gamma-oryzanol, phytic acid and inositol - much are removed from white rice. Last three, that you may not be familier with, are known to exert anti-oxidant, anti-carcinogenic and cholesterol-lowering effects. We naturally chew well to eat brown rice, thus our satiety could be achieved before we eat too much. Together with lower GL score, brown rice is a good choice for weight management! If you've already tried and didn't like the drier texture, why not trying to cook with a pressure cooker? Particulary works well with short-grain brown rice, and it makes fluffy and soft - very yummy!
最近出版されたBritish Medial Journalに白米を定期的に食することが糖尿病にかかる可能性を11%上げるとの報告が発表されました。私の祖母が昔糖尿病と診断された時、医者から最初にアドバイスを受けたのが白米を量って食べることでした。それぞれの食べ物から血糖値がどのように変わるのかを示したGL値(グリセミック負荷)を比べてみると、白米はGL値が高いグループに入りますので、当然の研究結果であることはわかりますが、実際科学的に(動物ではなくて)人間相手に調査した結果ですので興味深い結果となりました。
一方、玄米は白米に比べてGL値が低いので、糖尿病になるリスクは低めです。GL値を比べると玄米(調理したもの、150g)が16、白米(調理したもの、150g)が26となっています。ベーグル1個が25、精製された白いパン一切れが10.5、ライスクリスピーのシリアル(30g)が22ですので、白米は決して低くありませんね。玄米がお勧めなのは、他にも白米で失われた栄養素が含まれているからです。ビタミンBグループ、たんぱく質のほかに抗酸化作用・ガンを防ぐ作用・コレステロールを下げると言われている γ-オリザノール、フィチン酸、イノシトールも含んでいます。また白米よりもよく噛まないといけないため、食べ過ぎる前に満腹感が感じられ食べすぎを防ぐことも出来るでしょう。低めのGL値を食べると減量にも良いのと、腹八分目にしやすい玄米はダイエットにも最適ですね。もし玄米のぼそぼそした感じが美味しくないと思うならば、圧力鍋で炊いてみてください。ふわふわでとても美味しい味になります。
On the other hand, brown rice carry less risk because of high dietary fibre content. GL for brown rice is about 16 (cooked, 150g), compared to 26 of white rice (cooked, 150g) (this may vary according to the source). As you know, fibre slows down the digestion & sugar release in the blood stream, thus eating brown rice does not affect blood sugar level and insulin level - as much as white rice. A bagel's GL is 25, one slice of white bread's GL is 10.5 and rice krispies cereals' (30g) GL is 22. You can see that white rice has not low GL! Brown rice is a healthier choice, also because of its nutrient contents. It has vitamin B groups, protein, gamma-oryzanol, phytic acid and inositol - much are removed from white rice. Last three, that you may not be familier with, are known to exert anti-oxidant, anti-carcinogenic and cholesterol-lowering effects. We naturally chew well to eat brown rice, thus our satiety could be achieved before we eat too much. Together with lower GL score, brown rice is a good choice for weight management! If you've already tried and didn't like the drier texture, why not trying to cook with a pressure cooker? Particulary works well with short-grain brown rice, and it makes fluffy and soft - very yummy!
最近出版されたBritish Medial Journalに白米を定期的に食することが糖尿病にかかる可能性を11%上げるとの報告が発表されました。私の祖母が昔糖尿病と診断された時、医者から最初にアドバイスを受けたのが白米を量って食べることでした。それぞれの食べ物から血糖値がどのように変わるのかを示したGL値(グリセミック負荷)を比べてみると、白米はGL値が高いグループに入りますので、当然の研究結果であることはわかりますが、実際科学的に(動物ではなくて)人間相手に調査した結果ですので興味深い結果となりました。
一方、玄米は白米に比べてGL値が低いので、糖尿病になるリスクは低めです。GL値を比べると玄米(調理したもの、150g)が16、白米(調理したもの、150g)が26となっています。ベーグル1個が25、精製された白いパン一切れが10.5、ライスクリスピーのシリアル(30g)が22ですので、白米は決して低くありませんね。玄米がお勧めなのは、他にも白米で失われた栄養素が含まれているからです。ビタミンBグループ、たんぱく質のほかに抗酸化作用・ガンを防ぐ作用・コレステロールを下げると言われている γ-オリザノール、フィチン酸、イノシトールも含んでいます。また白米よりもよく噛まないといけないため、食べ過ぎる前に満腹感が感じられ食べすぎを防ぐことも出来るでしょう。低めのGL値を食べると減量にも良いのと、腹八分目にしやすい玄米はダイエットにも最適ですね。もし玄米のぼそぼそした感じが美味しくないと思うならば、圧力鍋で炊いてみてください。ふわふわでとても美味しい味になります。
Monday, 26 March 2012
Manju's Indian cookery class
We had an amazing Indian cookery class yesterday with lovely Manju and her mum. It was a part of my friend's birthday party organised by his partner. What a nice thing to do! There were 10 of us and had a great time cooking, chatting and eating together for actually 4 hours. Probably it is already a common practice in many households, but I was amazed to notice the difference between freshly grounded Indian spices and off-the-shelf grounded spices. It is crucial to use the best spice ingredients as much as possible for especially spice-loaded Indian dishes. We made garam masala mix and the freshly grounded ones had much stronger aroma and somewhat sweeter smell. I am sure that nutritional value is much higher too. This reminds us that we should only keep raw material of spices in our cupboard. Manju explained that whole spice can be stored up to 6 months in airtight container, and grounded one up to 4 months. So that it is better to buy smaller batches and keep them away from the heat. Typical spice rack is near the stove, which is not a good idea! See here for Manju's website. She has many books published worldwide.
Photo by Atsuko Ikeda
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Cola drinks & health alerts
Did you read the recent news about cola drinks? Coca-Cola and Pepsi Co. are changing the way they make the caramel colouring used in their dinks as a result of a California law that rules drinks containing a certain level of carcinogens must bear a cancer warning label. It is like tobacco package warning. Who want to buy drinks with such labelling! The culprit is a food colouring of caramel colour, 4-methylimidazole, and companies like them are now announcing to reduce this chemical from the ingredients. It is also found in dark beers but the amount is much lower than cola drinks. I support this is a good move but is it really the only chemical potentially carinogenic? Some health expoerts say that drinking cola drinks is not likely causing cancers, because to get a carcinogenic effect of drinks you have to drink 37,000 cans a day for the rest of your life. Well, we don't want to be sick but also want to be optimally healthy so drinking commercially produced drinks is out of picture isn't it?
Thursday, 8 March 2012
Food to focus - Chocolate
Chocolate is produced from the beans of the cacao tree, and the best quality is said from the beans of the Criollo variety for its rich aroma and delicacy. The most common variety is Forastero which is nearly 90% of the world's cacao crop. The exact origin of the cacao is disputed but it is clear that Olmec, Mayas and Aztecs all enjoyed the cocoa bean for at least 5,000 years before it made its way to Europe. They treated cocoa beans as a highly valubale crop and as a symbols of life and fertility. Recent years, its health benefit become more well known, and very dark chocolate is now standard product in the supermarket. At the centre of chocolate's health benefits are definitley flavonoids. Chocolate's key flavonoids are proanthocyanidins (or procyanidins), and consist from 12% to 48% of dry weight cocoa bean. So we can say that cocoa powder is endowed with these compounds. One of the key research area is an effect on the cardiovascular disease, by protecting against damage to cholesterol and the lining of the arteries. They also act like a very low dose of aspirin to prevent blood platelets from aggregating, thus making blood less sticky (that can be a cause of heart attack etc).Yes commercial chocolates also contain sugar and fat, but eating small amount of dark chocolate regulary is actually good for you!
Here is some tips to select healthy chocolate:
Here is some tips to select healthy chocolate:
- Choose highest cocoa content
- Avoid a product with hydrogenated fat
- Avoid a product with refined sugar
- "Chocolate-flavour" or other artificial chocolate has no health benefit
- Since the chocolate's beneficial flavonoids have been removed from white chocolate, it is not recommended as a healthy food.
- ココアの割合が多いものにする
- Hydrogenated fat (日本語だと不飽和脂肪酸になりますか?)が含まれていないものにする
- 精製された砂糖が入っているものはやめる
- チョコレート風味などニセモノチョコレート味のものはやめる
- ホワイトチョコレートはこのフラボノイドが入っていないので、同じようにヘルシーなものとは捉えられない
Monday, 27 February 2012
What is the ultimate beauty regime?
We think that much of the skin damage such as lines and wrinkles are due to ageing, but it is not true. Compare your grandmother's face and her tummy skin. The body part where there is the least sun exposure has smooth and soft skin even over 70 or 80 years old. It is considered that around 80-90% of skin ageing is extrinsic, mainly caused by sun exposure (that generates free radicals) and other sources of free radicals such as smoking and lifestyle related. Inadequate nutrients also contribute an increase of free radical activity because of a weakened anti-oxidant defence. Remaining intrinsic reasons are the results of internal waste (free radicals) due to living activities such as breathing or digesting, and a change in cellular activity with an increasing age.
It is now obvious what we should do;
It is now obvious what we should do;
- Avoid excessive sun exposure and wear sun-protection everyday including winter.
- Reduce oxidants by cutting down smoking, stress, bad diet.
- Increase anti-oxidant intake by eating or by cosmetic products topically.
- 必要以上に紫外線を浴びない。冬でも毎日日焼け止めを使う。
- 酸化物質の生成を抑える生活をする。タバコをやめて、ストレスをなるべく溜めず、質の悪い食生活をやめる。
- 抗酸化物質を多く含む食べ物をたくさん食べ、肌からも抗酸化物質を含む成分が配合されているスキンケアを与える。
Health and Skin Health
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Add a little spice to your life - Turmeric
Turmeric, a member of ginger family, is a key player of both the Chinese and Indian systems of medicine, where it is used as an anti-inflammatory agent internally and externally as poulitices. In the West, the culinary use of turmeric has become more common recently but much of its popularity is owed to the recent scientific study. It is curcumin, turmeric's yellow pigment exerts the great health promoting property. Curcumin is now a popular food supplement component as well. It is found that curcumin is a potent anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-cancer agent. Thus it can be good for rheumatoid arthritis, various cancer such as breast/ skin/ colon/ stomach/ liver, heart disease, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. For healthy people, its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects can be a powerful prevention of future illnesses, as well as maintaining healthy skin cell turnover! When you are not cooking South East Asian, Indian or Mexican foods, turmeric can still be used as a complement when ginger appears in the recipe (they go well together), additional flavour to egg salad to give it an even bolder yellow colour and add a colour and flavour for salad dressing ingredients. Of course, we do need to eat a lot of turmeric if you want to achieve medicinal effect and for that aspect it is better to take remedy or supplement. However it's great to know the benefit of turmeric when you have a meal with this spiece isn't it?
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Keep yourself warm with half body bath
It is very cold recenlty and I feel my legs and feets are frozen when I come from outside. If your body is so cold then putting more clothes or raising a temperature of the radiator doesn't really help. The best solution is simply to warm yourself in the bath! Japanese loves having a bath and we do that almost every night, but this is not very common in UK. I suppose a difference in bathroom structure making it more difficult to do that so often in the West. In Japan, a whole family share the bath tub's hot water (more ecomonical) after they wash body outside of the bath tub. Bathroom itself is a one big water resistance room and have a shower head attached outside of bath tub. Anyway, it is still recommended to keep your body warm with a bath, especially half body bath is great. Half body bath is to put the lower half of the body in warm water until the whole body is warm. So not reclining but sit up, so that warm water can cover up to your waist. It will take 20-30 mins before your body really feel warm, probably good to spend time reading a book. There is no temperature monitoring system attached to the bath tub here like Japan, so if the water is getting colder, add a litte hot water to adjust the temperature to a bit more than body temperature like 38-40 degree.
What half body bath do?
What half body bath do?
- With the earth's gravity and sedentary lifestyle, our body fluid movement thought to be a bit stagnated in the lower part of the body (although I don't have any scientific evidence). By having the lower part of body in warm water gives a pressure to raise body fluid to upper body.
- Basal metabolic rate is seen increased thus it could help for weight loss.
- Pores are opened with a long bath time so that it helps to clean your skin properly.
- In general, body's metabolism can be improved with water pressure and warm temperature, so that it is beneficial for health and beauty.
Health and Skin Health
Friday, 3 February 2012
Collagen Stimulation Therapy (CST) - countdown!
I am starting Environ's Collagen Stimulation Therapy (CST) from the beginning of the March 2012, and will update my website soon. Meanwhile, please read about it on IIAA's website, Environ's UK distributor. You can also see the amazing before & after photos. It is really the best skin care around in the industory at the moment if you want to achieve the highest goal of skin rejuvenation. You can book for a free consultation in Feb to find out and prepare for the treatment as well. Environ's another advanced facial called vitamin penetration facial is also a very powerful one, but we can talk about both at our meeting...
エンビロンの画期的なフェイシャルCollagen Stimulation Therapy (CST) を来月3月から導入します。現在美容界では最も効果が期待できるパワフルなトリートメントの一つと言えます。Roykaのウェブサイトもアップデートを予定していますが、とりあえず情報を探している方は英語ですがエンビロンの英国ディストリビューターのページにありますのでご覧ください。2月中でも無料コンサルテーションを予約して頂ければ、お会いしてきちんと説明することが出来ますので、どうぞお気軽に。エンビロンのもう一つのアドバンスフェイシャル、ビタミン導入フェイシャルと共にどちらをお選びになるかなどもお話できます。
エンビロンの画期的なフェイシャルCollagen Stimulation Therapy (CST) を来月3月から導入します。現在美容界では最も効果が期待できるパワフルなトリートメントの一つと言えます。Roykaのウェブサイトもアップデートを予定していますが、とりあえず情報を探している方は英語ですがエンビロンの英国ディストリビューターのページにありますのでご覧ください。2月中でも無料コンサルテーションを予約して頂ければ、お会いしてきちんと説明することが出来ますので、どうぞお気軽に。エンビロンのもう一つのアドバンスフェイシャル、ビタミン導入フェイシャルと共にどちらをお選びになるかなどもお話できます。
Environ Skin Care
Wednesday, 1 February 2012
Environ's great Feb offer !
We are doing a great special offer for Feb 2012. If you purchase AVST Cleansing Lotion, AVST Moisturising Toner and AVST cream (any level), you will receive a free C-Quence Eye Gel (worth 46 pounds). C-Quence series are the most powerful anti-ageing products from Envionr and I have a very good feedback from clients. The order only taken by the end of Feb 2012. You can meet me at the salon or pick up from the reception, or I can send them with a free of charge within UK address. If it is abroad, postal fee will be shared with me. Hurry up before the stock ends!
2月中は基礎化粧品一式が揃うスペシャルオファーをやっています。とってもお得なので、お見逃しなく!AVST Cleansing Lotion, AVST Moisturising Toner & AVST cream (any level) というクレンジング、トナー、クリームをご購入するとエンビロンの人気商品C-Quence Eye Gel が無料でついてきます。C-Quenceシリーズはエンビロンの中でもアンチエージング力が一番上のもので、とても良い感想を頂いております。サロンまでお越しか、もしくはご自宅・オフィスまで英国内でしたら送料無料で送っております。また海外の場合は送料を半分負担していただきます。在庫がなくなる前にお早めに!
2月中は基礎化粧品一式が揃うスペシャルオファーをやっています。とってもお得なので、お見逃しなく!AVST Cleansing Lotion, AVST Moisturising Toner & AVST cream (any level) というクレンジング、トナー、クリームをご購入するとエンビロンの人気商品C-Quence Eye Gel が無料でついてきます。C-Quenceシリーズはエンビロンの中でもアンチエージング力が一番上のもので、とても良い感想を頂いております。サロンまでお越しか、もしくはご自宅・オフィスまで英国内でしたら送料無料で送っております。また海外の場合は送料を半分負担していただきます。在庫がなくなる前にお早めに!
Environ Skin Care
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
Quick tip to boost your anti-oxidant intake
Just a quick note on how to increase your anti-oxidant intake. As you know, we can get anti-oxidant vitamins, minerals and other nutrients such as phytochemicals from vegetables and fruits, but darker and brighter the colour, they are more powerful in defending power. Here are some examples - choose red grapes rather than white, red onion rather than white or choose the darkest leafy vegetables if you are not sure what to buy. Of course, any fruits and vegetables have beneficial nutrients, so I am not denying white or paler colour foods. It's only something to remember if you have a choice over few different ingredients.
Thursday, 19 January 2012
Food to focus - Nuts
Nuts are now popular choice for a healthy snack, but I am asked occasionally if nuts' high oil content would increase the weight. There are few epidemiological studies confirmed that nuts are NOT contributing to the rate of obesity. In fact, is was found that people who consumed the most nuts were less obese. This is because eating nuts produce satiety, and we cannnot really over eat nuts! As you know nut oil contain beneficial fat (essential fatty acids), so we don't need to restrain ourselves to choose nuts for our snacks. However check your food lables because flavoured nut products may contain a lot of sugar, salt and other ingredients that we don't want. Also cheap commercial roasted nuts can be produced by deep-frying with saturated fats such as coconut oil or palm kernel oil. Thus it is best to buy raw nuts and roast at home. If you buy unshelled raw nuts, it is best to keep in the fridge if you don't use them for a long time due to its high content of oil (to avoid getting rancid).
Here are few listings why nuts are good for your health (eventually for your skin too!):
Here are few listings why nuts are good for your health (eventually for your skin too!):
- Good source of beneficial oil that could prevent heart disease.
- Good source of dietary fibre that can maintain healthy blood sugar level.
- Best source of arginine (amino acid involved in wound healing, detox process, immunity, hormone secretion and blood vessel toning).
- Protein source.
- 不飽和脂肪酸など体にいい油が含まれており、心臓病の予防にもなります。
- 食物繊維を豊富に含んでいます。
- アミノ酸の一種であるアルギニンのとても良い摂取源です。アルギニンは傷を治したり、デトックスを助けたり、免疫系をサポートして、ホルモンの分泌にも関わり、そして血管壁を健康なものにします。
- たんぱく質も含んでいます。
Monday, 16 January 2012
Hydrating Oil Capsule was reviewd in Yummy Mummy beauty blog
Popular beauty blogger listed Environ's hydrating oil capsule is one their favourites. Read their review!
Environ Skin Care
Thursday, 12 January 2012
New year resolution - Exercise
How is your 2012 so far? In the beginning of the year, many people make their new year resolutions and the most popular one could be 'Do more exercise'. In fact, January is the most busiest time in the gym but that trend is dying out in the following months... We all know that exercise is good - for weight management, heart health, type 2 diabetes and mood improvement etc. However we may feel irrelevant if you are not currently experiencing any health issues. Of course exercise is a powerful tool as a preventive method but we may need to be motivated to make it into a habit. I think knowing what is happening in the body would bring deeper understanding and rationalise why everyone should do exercise. There are many biological activities going on with an exercise, but here are few examples:
新年を迎えて2週間近く経ちましたが、皆様いかがですか。今年の抱負は守られていますか。よく聞くものに ’もっとエクササイズをする’ というものがあります。実際、ジムは1月が一番忙しい月のようです。利用者は月を重ねることに減っていくらしいですが。エクササイズは減量や体重維持のほかに健康維持や病気の予防にいいと言われていますが、何一つ問題なく暮らしている人にはあまり関係ないことのように聞こえるかもしれませんね。でも、エクササイズのよって受ける恩恵を少し理解したら、定期的にやっていこうと思えるかもしれません。下記は数ある中からほんの数例です。
- Exercise increases growh hormone secretion in the body. As we know, growth hormone production decreases with increasing ages, and it is one of the ageing reasons. It is known to heal & repair the cells, retaining muscle mass, keeping healthy bone density and keeping up libido. Yes, growth hormone is a major anti-ageing hormone and good for our skin condition and healthy muscular tone! Also this heal & repair function is very important because it affects every cells' health in the body - thus preventing future illness.
- Exercise reduces cortisol level in the body. Raised cortisol level could cause many physical and mental problems including your beauty status. In a big picture, high cortisol level is a result of stressful lifestyle & type of food we eat, and that could affect the hormon balance in every kind. Excess cortisol accelerates the aging process in the skin cells, promotes hypertension, suppresses immune function and can cause fatigue.
- Exercise improves cognitive function. Incresed blood flow and oxygen delivery, plus increased production of dopamin, serotonin & other neurotransmitters improves your brain function.
新年を迎えて2週間近く経ちましたが、皆様いかがですか。今年の抱負は守られていますか。よく聞くものに ’もっとエクササイズをする’ というものがあります。実際、ジムは1月が一番忙しい月のようです。利用者は月を重ねることに減っていくらしいですが。エクササイズは減量や体重維持のほかに健康維持や病気の予防にいいと言われていますが、何一つ問題なく暮らしている人にはあまり関係ないことのように聞こえるかもしれませんね。でも、エクササイズのよって受ける恩恵を少し理解したら、定期的にやっていこうと思えるかもしれません。下記は数ある中からほんの数例です。
- エクササイズは成長ホルモンの生成を助ける。成長ホルモンは大人になっても分泌されていますが、年を重ねるごとに減少していきます。成長ホルモンは細胞をリペアし、ダメージを修復するため体全体の健康維持に重要なだけでなく、肌細胞を若々しく保ってくれるので、アンチエージングのキープレイヤーです。その他、成長ホルモンは筋肉を維持してくれるため、若々しい体または肌状態をキープしてくれます。
- エクササイズはコルチゾールの量を減らしてくれる。高ストレスな生活や食べ物によっては体内のコルチゾールが上がりすぎてしまします。高コルチゾールは全てのホルモンバランスを崩してしまうので、悪いことばかりです。肌細胞の加齢を進めてしまいますし、高血圧になってしまったり、免疫力の低下も促します。
- エクササイズは脳にいい。エクササイズは脳の血のめぐりや酸素のデリバリーを向上し、ドーパミンやセロトニンなどの生成を助長するので、脳の活動を活発化させます。
Health and Skin Health
Friday, 6 January 2012
New Year trip for Hakone Hot Spring
A Happy New Year! I hope you had a lovely break. I had a short holiday with my family just after new year's day in Hakone area, Japan. It is situated in Kanagawa prefecture and 2 to 3 hours drive from Tokyo including expected traffic jam. Japan is famous for its abundant choice of hot spring destinations but one of the criteria is its quality of the spring water. There are nine category of hot springs in Japan based on the substances found in the spring water such as carbon dioxide, chloride and sulfur. For example, carbon dioxide hot spring is known to be good for high blood pressure, joint pain and infertility, chloride for eldery with joint pain and recovery from illness and sulfur for high blood pressure and chronic skin disorder. We had the sulfur hot spring which has a distinct smell of sulfur and cloudy white colour. Once you experienced the natural hot spring bath, you will notice it is very different to ordinary home bath with tap water. The body keep its warmness for a long time after the bath, and if you have it regularly you may experience to improve your health. It is surprising to know that even in an area of Hakone (which is only one region in Japan!), there are quite few different variety. When you choose the hotel for your hot spring holiday, I would recommend to check its quality and health benefit as well.
Below is a photo of Owakudani, where hot spring is gushing out.
Below is a photo of Owakudani, where hot spring is gushing out.
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