Alfafa is a already famous healthy ingredient, but do you know why? They have been grown as forage for livestock for many centuries but recent years the popularity grown, and now it is possible to buy at supermarkets too. First of all, it is low calories (one cup has only 10 calories!) but notable health benefits must come from its phytoestrogen and saponin contents. Phytoestrogens are thought to balance oestrogen level, normalise cell growth, suppress cancerous activity, reduce inflammation and provide anti-oxidant activity - to list a few, while saponins are known to boost immune function.
It is definitley confirmed that alfalfa is one of the top lists in the shopping! Its anti-oxidant activity was also tested and being found that it is only surpassed by kale and Brussels sprouts (candidate were many of dark colour vegetables).
One thing to note is that alfalfa have been linked to ourbreaks of foodbourne illness such as Salmonella and E.coli. The reason for this was the raw material of seeds were contaminated by animals in the field. Alfafa sold as food products should be monitored carefully so I don't worry too much but if you buy seeds to grow your own, please check if the company has a good reputation or not.
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
C-Quence Eye Gel review on the Stylist magazine
Environ's powerful eye product C-Quence Eye Gel has been picked by the Stylist magazine's deputy beauty editor Samantha, as a part of an ultimate beauty regime! Here is the link.

Ionzyme C-Quence Eye Gel-Cream, £44, Environ
Amount to use: Grain of rice (per eye)
Application: The skin around the eye is one tenth of the density of the skin on the face, so an eye product has to be much lighter than a moisturiser. This formula drip-feeds a blend of wrinkle-fighting pentapeptides and health-boosting vitamins. Use your ring finger to pat it around the orbital bone (eye socket) but avoid puffiness by steering clear of the tear duct.
Step 4
Eye Cream
Ionzyme C-Quence Eye Gel-Cream, £44, Environ
Amount to use: Grain of rice (per eye)
Application: The skin around the eye is one tenth of the density of the skin on the face, so an eye product has to be much lighter than a moisturiser. This formula drip-feeds a blend of wrinkle-fighting pentapeptides and health-boosting vitamins. Use your ring finger to pat it around the orbital bone (eye socket) but avoid puffiness by steering clear of the tear duct.
Environ Skin Care
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Beta Carotene for your skin health!
Vitamin A is an essential nutrient for skin cell turnover, healing damaged tissues and resistance to the UV rays. We can supplement it through skin care cream, but oral intake would also be helpful. Unfortunately the skin is not a priority area to recieve the nutrient from the ingested foods, but everyday support will definitely benefit your skin health too. Enviorn is also launching the potent Vitamin A supplement soon as well. If you want to introduce more vitamin A in your daily diet, why don't you try considering to up intake of beta-carotene? It is a precursor of vitamin A, thus we don't need to worry about the amount we are eating as much as fat soluble vitamin A.
Excellent source of beta- carotene are;
Excellent source of beta- carotene are;
- Dark orange and green leafy vegetables
- Sweet potatoes
- Carrots
- Dried Apricot (but buy organic, as there may be lots of pesticide!)
- Collard greens
- Kale
- Spinach
- Pumpkin
- Pink grapefruit
- Mangoes
- Green lettuce
- Broccoli
- 緑黄色の葉野菜
- さつまいも
- にんじん
- ドライアプリコット(但し農薬が気になるので、有機のもの)
- コラードグリーン
- ケール
- ほうれん草
- かぼちゃ
- ピンクグレープフルーツ
- マンゴ
- グリーンレタス
- ブロッコリー
Thursday, 7 June 2012
New Travel Kit from Environ
Well, I just wrote about the summer arrival in UK only last week, but it didn't seem to last. So now then, we need a holiday to escape! Environ just launched the Travel Kit to cover the basic essentails. This is especially great if you haven't tried Environ's body range, as vitamin-A rich Body Oil to protect & heal from UV damage and Hydrating Lotion to moisturise and make your skin surface nice and smooth. These two combination is the must item in the summer - to minimise your sun damage minimum and make your hard heel skin soft and smooth. Wearing sandals make heel skin hardened, and no matter what we do with pedicure, it comes back without a proper care.
The Travel Kit includes (£18.95) :
つい先週に夏の到来を感じたのに、もうすっかり雨模様ですね。この際、もうイギリスを飛び出してホリデーに出かけるほかはないかもです。そこで、エンビロンが今月トラベルセットを新発売のニュースです。日焼けする肌を予測して基本商品が揃っています。特にこれまでボディー製品を使ったことない方には試してみるいい機会でしょう。ビタミンAがたっぷり入っているBody Oilは紫外線から肌を守り、また肌のダメージを修復し、Hydrating Lotionは日焼け後の乾燥肌に潤いを与えて肌表面をつるつるにしてくれます。この二つのコンビネーションは夏の肌にはかかせないものです。サンダルを履くとかかとが硬くなっていきますが、ペディキュアだけでは回復しません。きちんとしたスキンケアをすると、特にHydrating Lotionで肌が柔らかくなってつるつるになっていきます。
トラベルセットには下記が入っています(£18.95 ):
The Travel Kit includes (£18.95) :
- AVST Cleansing Lotion 20ml (for face)
- AVST Hydrating Toner 20ml (for face)
- AVST Body Oil 20ml (for body)
- AVST Hydrating Lotion 20ml (for body)
つい先週に夏の到来を感じたのに、もうすっかり雨模様ですね。この際、もうイギリスを飛び出してホリデーに出かけるほかはないかもです。そこで、エンビロンが今月トラベルセットを新発売のニュースです。日焼けする肌を予測して基本商品が揃っています。特にこれまでボディー製品を使ったことない方には試してみるいい機会でしょう。ビタミンAがたっぷり入っているBody Oilは紫外線から肌を守り、また肌のダメージを修復し、Hydrating Lotionは日焼け後の乾燥肌に潤いを与えて肌表面をつるつるにしてくれます。この二つのコンビネーションは夏の肌にはかかせないものです。サンダルを履くとかかとが硬くなっていきますが、ペディキュアだけでは回復しません。きちんとしたスキンケアをすると、特にHydrating Lotionで肌が柔らかくなってつるつるになっていきます。
トラベルセットには下記が入っています(£18.95 ):
- AVST Cleansing Lotion 20ml (フェイス用)
- AVST Hydrating Toner 20ml (フェイス用)
- AVST Body Oil 20ml (ボディー用)
- AVST Hydrating Lotion 20ml (ボディー用)
Environ Skin Care
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