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Sunday, 23 October 2011

Autumn harvest - Mushroom picking in Sweden

We went to a mushroom picking yesterday in the forest and enjoyed the lovely autumn harvest at our dinner table. What a treat! Great thing was that our friends were great chefs and they cooked very tasty mushroom bruschetta as a starter. I am staying this week at friends' house near the beautiful lake in Sweden, only 40 mins away from the central Stockholm. It is amazing to have a nature so close to you. We picked lots of chanterelle (Cantharéllus tubæfórmis) and black trumpet (Crateréllus cornucopioídes), cleaned with a special mushroom brush then cooked some fresh ones for a dinner. Left of them are being dried for next 3 days, which will intensified the flavour a bit more. It is very common to do mushroom picking for Swedish people, there is a 24 hours mushroom hotline if you have mistakenly picked and eaten poisonous ones, the number is 08-331231.
