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Monday, 26 September 2011

Oil soluble vitamin C ?

Vitamin C is a popular cosmetic ingredient and known to reduce pigmentation, fine lines and strengthen capillary walls (hence reduce redness) and also promote general anti-ageing. It is one of the powerful anti-oxidants that is needed to support skin cells' DNA health, along with vitamin A. While vitamin C and other anti-oxidant agents are minimising the amount of oxidants, vitamin A can directly work on DNA support. This vitamin C however, is a bit tricky ingredient. It naturally occurs as water soluble and unstable by oxidising quickly, but Environ found the solution for us! They state that vitamin C's natural form, ascorbic acid is best preserved as a dry powder and also a use of oil soluble vitamin C called ascorbyl tetraisopalmitate. They have an excellent stability compared to any other forms, as well as good penetration rate through lipid layer of cell membrane. According to the Environ laboratory team, there are not many cosmetic companies employing this oil soluble vitamin C, thus it can be said that Environ's AVST cream, C-Boost and Masque Citrique are ahead in the cosmetic science. Former two contain oil soluble vitamin C and latter one with a dry powder format.

ビタミンCは美白に効くとよく知られていますが、その他にも小じわ改善などのアンチエージングにも、または毛細血管壁を強くして赤ら顔を改善したりします。とても重要な抗酸化成分なので、今現在これらの問題に悩まされていなくても、予防も兼ねて普段のお手入れに取り入れるのもいいかと思います。ビタミンCを始めその他の抗酸化成分で酸化物質の量を抑え、ビタミンAで細胞内のDNAの働きをサポートするのが、基本のスキンケアです。ところがこのビタミンC、水溶性なのでやっかいなことに酸化しやすく安定した状態で長時間保存できません。従って、コスメとして本当に効果に出る方法を突き詰める必要があります。幸いエンビロンのラボはこれを解消してくれました。彼らの研究の結果、自然界にあるそのままの形でのビタミンCをascorbic acidをして保存するにはドライパウダーとして、その他は油溶性のascorbyl tetraisopalmitateとして原材料に含むべきだとの結論が出ました。現時点でこの油溶性ビタミンCを採用しているコスメブランドはまだ数少ないそうです。 AVST creamやC-Boostには、この油溶性のビタミンCが、またMasque Citriqueはドライパウダーを使用しています。このビタミンC、油溶性ということは安定しているだけでなく、細胞膜の浸透にも優れているので吸収されやすく、他のコスメ商品から一歩も二歩も進んでいると言えるでしょう。

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Kicking one of the habits - Sugar

Well, something to start. Let's tackle the most difficult one to deal with - sugar. If you particularly have a sweet tooth, you may have some sort of withdrawn syndrome. We can be addicted to sugar, but it can also be said that it will improve your health and skin complex dramatically with no sugar diet. This 'sugar', I mean, is simple carbohydrate which has high glyceamic load measurement - opposing to complex carbohydrate. As you know, carbohydrate is broken down into sugar that is used as a primary energy source in our body, circulated by the blood. So, of course, it is an essential nutrient but the important point is that we need to reduce the breakdown & release time of sugar from carbohydrate. Slower release with eating complex carbohydrate will give you a stable energy supply and won't upset your body with sudden blood sugar surge.We all know that unbalanced sugar level in the blood could cause diabetes, but is that all? Excess and rapid sugar release due to a consumption of too much simple carbohydrate could cause many problems...such as immune system supression, upsetting digestive system, worsening inflammation and causing sudden energy drop/ fatigue. Do you agree these would be root causes of many health and skin problems? Let's cut down your sweets and replace simple carbohydrate with complex ones today. Anything white and fluffy ones are suspicious for simple carbohydrate if you are not sure what to buy in the shop, and be aware that many prepared foods could contain lots of sugar that you wouldn't imagine adding to your dish. Also stay away from non-sugar products because they often contain E additives to add sweet flavour.


Sunday, 11 September 2011

A theory of Ageing

There are many theories of ageing, but one of the most talked about and important ones is related to free radicals and oxidative damage, originally proposed by Denham Harman. Free radical is a molecule that is missing an electron in its outer orbit. They cause damage to other molecules by stealing their electron to complete missing electrons. We talked about an importance of skin cells' DNA health before, but this free radical is a major culprit to cause damage in DNA. However this is only the beginning. Free radicals actually exist for a nanosecond and they do only little direct damage to cellular molecules including DNA. What causes the most damage is the inflammation initiated by free radicals' attack. We must focus on anti-inflammatory therapy for our skin as well as minimising free radical attack with anti-oxidant therapy. By doing that, we can also prevent future illnesses. Excessive and chronic inflammation could lead to many adult onset diseases as well.

加齢の学説はいろいろありますが、良く聞く、既に定説となっているものにフリーラジカルや酸化ストレスによる老化というものがあります。Denham Harmanという理学博士が提唱したものです。フリーラジカルは電子軌道にある電子の一つが通常より(安定している状態)も1つ足りない状態の分子で、自分を安定した状態にするために他の分子から電子を1つ盗み出します。それによって他の健康な分子が不安定になり、ダメージを与えられてしまうことになっていまいます。肌細胞内のDNAが肌状態を左右している重要な要素だと以前お話ししましたが、この連鎖反応によってDNAも傷つけられてしまいます。しかし、実はフリーラジカルによって起る酸化ストレスの直接的なダメージというのは、そんなに大きいものではないと言えます。なぜなら分子がフリーラジカルという状態になっているのは、ほんの一瞬だからです。酸化ストレス後、じわじわとダメージを与えていくのは、その後に始まる炎症のせいです。美肌の為に重要なのは、抗酸化セラピーでフリーラジカルに立ち向かうだけでなく、抗炎症セラピーもしてあげること。それによって、実は大人になってから発生する習慣病などを防ぐこともできるでしょう。慢性的で過度な炎症は万病のもとと言われています。なぜ体がそういう状態になってしまうのかというのは、本当にたくさんの理由があるのですが。

Monday, 5 September 2011

Model Miranda Kerr's love for coconut oil

Model Miranda Kerr's love for coconut oil has been revealed. See the latest Vogue.com here. Coconut oil is contained in Environ's AVST Vitamin A, C, & E Body Oil and AVST Pre-Cleanse Oil (previously known as Aquatrol).

"Coconut oil and its derivatives have fantastic natural emollient and moisturising properties," says Faye Layton-McCann from iiaa. "These help the skin to retain water and in a cleansing product, help to soften and clear congested pores and emulsify make-up."

Those products are also reviewed here.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

How much organic do you want?

Of course it is better to eat everything organic in terms of pesticides contents, nutritional values and tastes, but how much can we achieve that? I have extracted top 46 dirty foods from the book called The encyclopaedia of healing foods written by renowned authors Dr Murray and Dr Pizzorno. We cannot alwasy buy organic ingredients because of their availabilities or financial issues, but if you have this list in your bag, you can at least avoid the worst case.

The most contaminated vegetables & fruits when they are not sold as organic - in decending order

Peaches, strawberries, apples, spinach, nectarines, celery, pears, cherries, potatoes, sweet bell peppers, raspberries, grapes, carrots, green beans, hot peppers, oranges, apricots, cucumbers, tomatoes, collard greens, turnip greens, honeydrew melons, lettuce, kale, mushrooms, cantaloupe melon, sweet potatoes, grapefruit, winter squash, blueberries, watermelon, plums, tangerines, cabbage, papaya, kiwi, bananas, broccoli, onoins, asparagus, sweet peas, mango, cauliflower, pienapples, avocado, sweet corn.

もちろん有機の野菜や果物を食卓に並べるのが理想ですが、いつでもそう出来るわけではありません。有機のものが市場に出回っていないかもしれませんし、金銭的な事情もあるかもしれません。イギリスの調査では、何と子供が生まれてから有機食品を買う機会が減った家庭が増えているとの結果が出ています。普通は体を気遣ってそれらを買う機会が増えるのでは思いきや、金銭的な面が影響をもたらしているのがわかります。そんな時にもし店頭などで選択がある場合に正しく優先順位をつけられるように、農薬の量が多いとの検査結果のある野菜や果物を順に並べました。これで最悪の事態だけは避ける事が出来ます。The encyclopaedia of healing foodsという英語の本からの抜粋なので、聞きなれない野菜・果物も入っているかと思いますが、リストは上の英語表記の通りです。上から順に汚染が高いものです。