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Friday, 26 October 2012

Christmas Gift Set & Royka Gift Voucher

There is only 2 months and a bit left for this year,,,well a time goes so fast! If you started looking for a gift option, here are some ideas for you.

Environ Christmas Gift Set

This year's Environ Gift Set has everything we need and it saves £55.95 in total! Let's share our love of Environ products with your friends and family, and also good saving for yourself too. Order is started being taken, so hurry up to contact us (info@royka.co.uk) before the stock runs out. Postal service can be arranged too, but please enquire to above contact.

Prices: A set with either AVST-1, 2, 3 (£137.95) & with either AVST-4, 5 (£143.90).

The contents are;

AVST Cream (1-5 levels can be chosen) (50ml)
AVST Moisturising Toner (200ml)
AVST Cleansing Lotion (200ml)
C-Quence Eye Gel (10ml)
C-Boost (25ml)
Hydrating Oil Capsules (10 caps)
Colostrum Gel (5ml)

Except Hydrating Oil Capsules and Colostrum Gel, products are all in full size.

Royka Gift Voucher

We always have a gift voucher available but are adding extra 'thank you' to you when you purchase the GV. When you purchase one of the following GV, you get 10% off of your next salon treatment as well. Offer starts from now but will continue as a standard offer. We hope you to get a benefit too!

Gift Voucher suggestions;

Royka Therapeutic Body Massage (30 mins) £30
Royka Therapeutic body Massage (1 hour) £55
Royka Deep Cleanse Facial (1 hour) £58
Environ Advanced Vitamin Treatment Facial (1 hour) £58
Ultimate Relaxation package - back massage & any 1 hour facial - (1 hour 30 mins) £85

Have a lovely rest of 2012!


エンビロン クリスマスギフトセット

今年のギフトセットは基礎化粧品から美容液まで全て揃っているもので、合計すると個別にご購入するよりも£55.95 もお得となります。既にエンビロンファンの方は、お友達やご家族に勧めるいいチャンスですし、ご自分用としてもお得なセットになります。



AVST Cream (1-5 レベルはお選びできます) (50ml)
AVST Moisturising Toner (200ml)
AVST Cleansing Lotion (200ml)
C-Quence Eye Gel (10ml)
C-Boost (25ml)
Hydrating Oil Capsules (10 caps)
Colostrum Gel (5ml)

一番下2点のオイルカプセルとコロストジェルのみは全て通常サイズとなります。ご注文はこちらまで。 info@royka.co.uk

Royka トリートメントギフトバウチャー


Royka ホリスティックマッサージ 30分 (£30)
Royka ホリスティックマッサージ 1時間 (£55)
Royka ディープクレンジングフェイシャル 1時間 (£58)
エンビロン ビタミン導入フェイシャル 1時間 (£58)
トータルリラクゼーション コース -30分マッサージ&1時間各フェイシャル-1時間30分 (£85)


Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Food to focus - Salmon Farmed or Wild?

The flesh of oily fish especially salmon contains DMAE,  a powerful anti-oxidant. Other sources are sardines, squids and anchovies. DMEA is commonly known as industrial chemicals or used in pharmaceutical drugs to treat central nervous system and brain functions, but it is also known to be beneficial for our skin to stimulate nerve function and muscle tone. Thus it can be said that eating DMAE rich foods could contribute firmer and less wrinkled skin. Renowned Dr. Perricone includes DMAE rich foods for his wrinkle-free diet regime, and he lists following check-points to choose the salmons.

When we are choosing the salmons, we need to watch out few things;

  • Unusually pink colour is achieved by chemical additives. 
  • "Atlantic" salmon is synonymous with farmed salmon, except it is from Alaska.
  • Most fresh wild salmons are harvested during spring, summer and autumn only, thus during the winter we see only frozen, smoked or canned version of wild salmon.
  • If you see white lines of fat running through the flesh, it is almost surely farmed. Wild salmon is much leaner and it display little or no visible fat.
Of course it is not always available to buy wild salmon but if you do, watch out above checking points. If you buy farmed salmon, at least we don't choose very pink ones... What makes wild salmon superior is its amount of omega-3, which is higher than farmed salmon.

脂ののっている魚の中でも特に鮭はDMAEを含んでいると言われています。DMAEはとてもパワフルな抗酸化作用を持っています。他のDMAEの摂取源はイワシやイカ、アンチョビなどです。DMAEは食品というよりも工業製品に使用されたり、神経系や脳の機能を向上させる医薬品に使われていることのほうが有名かもしれません。しかし、お肌への影響としても神経細胞を刺激して筋肉のはりを良くしてくれ、たるみやしわ対策に効果的と言われています。特に有名なDr. Perriconeはその著書の中でリンクルフリーの食事方法にこのDMAEを多く含んでいる食事を取り入れています。彼の本の中で、鮭を購入する際に気をつけた方がいい点がいくつかあり、とても役に立ちそうな情報なので、ここで紹介します。

  • 鮮やかなピンク色は着色料によってついたものである。色あせているほうが良い。
  • アトランティック(大西洋産)とあるものは聞こえはいいが、ほとんどが養殖である。しかしアラスカ産とある場合はワイルドである場合も多々ある。
  • 新鮮なワイルドサーモンは冬以外に摂れるので、冬期はフレッシュなワイルドサーモンは出回らない。
  • 白い脂肪の線が赤みの部分に渡って見えるものは確実に養殖である。ワイルドサーモンは筋肉質なので白い脂肪の線がほとんど見えない。

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Food to focus - Brazil Nuts

I think Brazil nuts are one of the best choices for your healthy snack. In addition to health benefits that all the nuts have - such as protein and EFAs (essential fatty acid) contents - its selenium content is much higher. It can be said that Brazil nuts are the most reliable food souce of selenium. Foods' selenium content is determined by the soil condition and the area Brazil nuts are typically harvested have much higher content than average soil. Selenium is an important member of anti-oxidant nutrients, especially working together with vitamin E. As you know anti-oxidant is a key to resolve all the health and skin issue, and essential for future cancer preventions. So, this tasty nuts should be in your bag all the time! Other notable mineral found is chromium that can control your blood sugar level. Good for preventing sugar craving.

Brazil nuts are the seeds of a giant evergreen tree (Bertholletia) that grows wild in the forest of the Amazon in Brazil, Bolivia and Peru. Trees' life can be very long like 500-800 years, and they are actually used to produce our Brazil nuts. It is amazing to realise this isn't it?

