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Sunday, 22 September 2013

Your Skin Factory by Dr. Fernandes

Environ's founder Dr. Fernandes has launched his fascinating book called "Your Skin Factory". The secret of ultimate skin care regime is all revealed in the book. He really is a true anti-ageing doctor. Must buy book if you care about your skin!

Available from Royka (please email me, info@royka.co.uk) or Amazon UK

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Kombu & Kefir - gentle digestion aid

As a Japanese person, I was familier using sea vegetable Kombu to cook legumes to make them more digestible (so that less bloating) but I just found out about Kefir to be used in a similar manner. It was advised to use kefir to soak wholegrain before cooking for baby's weaning foods. 

Kefir is cultured milk product and consumed in Eastern Europe and Russia. Have you seen a yogurt drink which has a tart taste in Turkish restaurant? It is compared with yogurt sometime but contains different types of beneficial bacteria than yogurt does. Kefir's bacteria can actually colonise the intestinal tract unlike yogurt, and also contains beneficial yeast too, which helps control and eliminate destructive yeast in the body. It sounds like kefir is quite superior than yogurt as a probiotic food. 

In the baby cooking book that I was reading, we only need small amount such as 1 teaspoon mixed with soaking water for 100g of wholegrain that make wholegrain more digestible for baby's digestive system. 

If anyone have a gentle tummy, it is worth adding kefir in the soaking water for wholegrain and legumes/ pulses (as well as drinking).

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Why acne is formed - in the skin level

Acne can be considered as an disorder of pilosabaceous follicle which is attached to your hair follicle in the skin. There are numerous reasons could lead to a formation acne systematically but in the skin level, there are 4 main causes;

  1. Plugs in the follicle caused by an excessive production of the horny layer (hyperkeratosis).
  2. Increased sebum production by the sebaceous gland.
  3. Bacteria within the follicle and the sebaceous gland.
  4. Inflammation of the area around the sebaceous gland.
Environ products cover all area;
  1. BHA (beta hydroxy acid) contained in Sebuprep & Sebuwash remove excess horny layer that block follicles. Particles of BHA are even smaller than AHA (alpha hydroxy acid).
  2. Vitamin A contained in AVST Cream regulate the DNA's signalling to modulate sebum production.
  3. BHA and tea tree extract contained in Sebuprep, Sebuwash or Sebugel-A reduce bacterial activity.
  4. Colostrum contained in Colostrum Gel or Sebugel-A reduce an inflammation of the area by supporting skin's own defence power.
If above only does not work effectively then supplementation or diet change will definitely need to be looked at. It can take a time to combat adult onset acne, but please do not give it up!

  1. 表皮にあるケラチンの過剰生産もしくは、それによって毛穴や皮脂腺が封じ込められてしまった状態。
  2. 皮脂の過剰生産。
  3. 毛穴や皮脂腺のバクテリアの過剰活動。
  4. 皮脂腺が炎症を起こした状態。
  1. SebuprepやSebuwashに含まれているBHA (beta hydroxy acid)が余分なケラチンを取り除き毛穴のつまりを解消します。
  2. AVST Cream に含まれているVitamin Aが皮脂の生産を調整する。
  3. Sebuprep、Sebuwash、Sebugel-Aなどに含まれているBHAとtea tree成分がバクテリアの活動を抑えます。
  4. Colostrum GelやSebugel-Aに含まれているColostrum(初乳成分)が炎症を毛穴の炎症を抑えます。

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Food to focus - Goji Berry

Goji berry is now a standard item in the health food shop and a cupboard essential for those who cares about their health - but what is so special about it? Majority of goji berry come from China nowadays, but it had been known as an ancient Tibetan berry for the past many years. Goji berries contain 500 times more vitamin C by weight than oranges and are one of the most abundant source of carotenoids. They contain wide variety of amino acids and more iron than spinach - plus loaded with calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and vitamin B & E. As you can imagine, those nutrients exert a high anti-oxidant property too - something like 7 times more powerful than blueberries. Goji Berries have a quite sweet flavour but fortunately their glycemic load is low. It is really a perfect snack option isn't it? One thing to care, but very importantly, is their pesticide residue. Unfortunately many cheap goji berry products sold in UK are non-organic and they are from China where pesticide issue is a quite big issue. I have an informaion from the food industry that when they tested many products commercially available in Europe, the result was quite shocking. Thus I would recommend to buy organic goji berry if possible, or buy health conscious brand's if it is not organic. I am sure such companies monitor pesticide level when they import them.


Monday, 4 February 2013

Mother's Day Gift

Environ launched the special Mother's Day Gift Set. It is quite a complete skin care set as a perfect starter kit, great to save for your own use too!

If you purchase any level of AVST cream, C-Quence Eye Gel and C-Boost,

you will receive a Hydrating Exfoliant Masque (full size) and travel size AVST Cleanser, Toner, Hydrating Lotion and Body Oil FREE!  Place an order before running out.

RRP £113


AVST cream(どのレベルでも)、C-Quence Eye Gel、C-Boostをご購入頂くと、

Hydrating Exfoliant Masque(フルサイズ)、トラベルサイズのAVST Cleanser、Toner、Hydrating LotionとBodu Oilが無料でついてきます。


価格 £113

Friday, 11 January 2013

Introducing Cool Peel Facial

I have started a new facial and already recieving good feedbacks. It is a very unique peeling facial using lactic acid, which is much gentler and safer application than conventional peelings. We often hear about the side-effects of peelings, especially with a repeated use, such as aggravation of acne condition, thinning of skin epidermis layer or pigmentation due to post peeling sun-damage. However there is nothing to worry about these with this Cool Peel Facial! In fact, it assists to thicken your skin and promote hydration too. Sounds different compared to other peelings isn't? See detail here.

Cool Peel Facial (1hour-1hour 15mins) £65


クールピールフェイシャル (1時間ー1時間15分)£65

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Peeling? or Vitamin A?

Peeling facial is a popular choice and there are also many cosmetic products containing AHA and other acid ingredients. It claims to improves radiance, sterlise and cleanse the skin and reduce lines and wrinkles. Have you thought peeling facial or product over your vitamin-A skin care? If you are not sure, do not drop your vitamin-A treatment because it is the essential nutrient for healthy skin. In fact, it is good to have peeling agent such and vitamin A in conjunction, as acid facilitates the absorption of the vitamins by dissolving the glue between the horny layer cells. This ‘glue’ is made up of the proteins that were originally within the epidermal cells and were altered while the cells died. By dissolving the glue, the vitamins are transported through the horny layer into the deeper layer of the skin.
