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Tuesday, 15 December 2015

Environ's Dr Fernandes in UK Vogue Jan 2016

Face time
Kelly Gilbert seeks an antidote for the “Resting angry face.” Kelly interviews Environ Skin Care founder Dr Des Fernandes about more natural-looking alternatives to Botox and recommends the Focus Frown Serum to help ‘Turn that frown upside down.’ Dr Fernandes says: “It is about taking a different approach and helping the body harness its own repair.” On needling he adds: “They activate a collagen response, and when combined with active-laden topicals the results are fantastic.”

今発売中のUK Vogue2016年1月号にフェルナンデス医師のインタビューが載っています。ボトックスに変わる安全なFocus Frown Serumについての記事です。